When isolation becomes the norm…

This post is one of the 22 I've had sitting ready to finish.  I wanted to finish it now, mainly because it's happening again, I'm unable to go out as an issue with my mobility scooter is isolating me again and although last weekend I had a great trip to London (a birthday treat that … Continue reading When isolation becomes the norm…

How a thoughtless act can ruin a trip out

Yet again it's been a long time between blog posts, yet again I feel I have to apologise. I've been getting a lot of writers block recently and my mental health has taken a bit of a nose dive, these two things have clubbed together to make me feel very disillusioned with blogging. I've felt … Continue reading How a thoughtless act can ruin a trip out

Medical overload and operation stress!

Having a chronic illness or long term condition usually comes with the need to have many hospital and doctors appointments. You can sometimes get to know the staff so well that they know its you on the phone before you identify yourself, and treat you like a friend when you walk into the surgery etc. … Continue reading Medical overload and operation stress!

Catheter woes and what is a supra-pubic catheter??!!

No one said that having a catheter was easy, and I've been under no illusion that this was the case. However my bendy body doesn't seem to think that having a catheter is bad enough on it's own, and so this past week and a bit I have had to call the nurses out four … Continue reading Catheter woes and what is a supra-pubic catheter??!!

EDS Awareness Month……….and what you need to know about my condition!

May in my EDS world is awareness month. As I've explained to you before I have got a bit of awareness month fatigue, there are so many of them and so many different days. However for me awareness month is how I found out about EDS and how I finally got some of my answers. … Continue reading EDS Awareness Month……….and what you need to know about my condition!

Awareness month and What you need to know about my EDS part 2!!

I decided about half way through my previous post that not only was the post getting incredibly long, but it was also going to make everyone switch off!! 31 questions would be fine if they were really short answers, but they aren't! So I apologise for what might be two really long and tedious posts, … Continue reading Awareness month and What you need to know about my EDS part 2!!

Having a break!!

I haven't managed to write a blog post for a bit now and thought I better give you an explanation. There are two reasons, firstly it's the Easter holidays so I've not got the space or time to concentrate on writing. Secondly I had planned to have a number of finished posts ready so that … Continue reading Having a break!!

Moving my legs!!

One thing that a lot of non-disabled people don't understand is the sheer panic, annoyance, anger, inconvenience and, or upset moving a disabled person's mobility aid can cause. It's almost difficult to explain just how we feel when it happens because you have very little to compare it to, but what it pretty much equates … Continue reading Moving my legs!!

Yet more appointments and the funny places your mind goes in the middle of the night!!

This past week or so, has again had a number of appointments in it and yet again has been stressful. Dad is still off (as it's now half term), and still can't hear and the reason I was feeling ill was I had yet another chest infection. Since being diagnosed with asthma more years ago … Continue reading Yet more appointments and the funny places your mind goes in the middle of the night!!

January Blues!

January is always a blue month, I guess for most people, but I really do find that it is for me. For others it might be the reality of the resolutions kicking in and the resolve diminishing or completely going, or it might just be that pay day for those who work is a longer … Continue reading January Blues!