Catheter woes and what is a supra-pubic catheter??!!

No one said that having a catheter was easy, and I've been under no illusion that this was the case. However my bendy body doesn't seem to think that having a catheter is bad enough on it's own, and so this past week and a bit I have had to call the nurses out four … Continue reading Catheter woes and what is a supra-pubic catheter??!!

Catheter update and a few crafty want to do’s for this year!!

OK so I know the title probably isn't the biggest draw, and it's rather long!!  As you know,  from my new years posts, I don't make resolutions or set goals so that couldn't be the  title!! I thought however that as I've got a number of crafts I'd like to either master, try or continue … Continue reading Catheter update and a few crafty want to do’s for this year!!

Waiting is torture!!

This week' blog post is going to hopefully not be the only one!!  I've got a few Christmas posts I'd like to do too, but this first one is about the catheter!! It has also been unfortunately waiting for a week now because I've been struggling to keep on top of everything this week. I … Continue reading Waiting is torture!!